Why Give to Trinity?

We hear so much today about education reform, but what does this mean for an esteemed institution like Trinity Episcopal School, with historic roots going back to Miss Aiken’s Little School more than 100 years ago? As educators in today’s world of overwhelming technology and lightning speed information, it means we can no longer just teach our children information and facts. We must teach our children how to use this information, how to learn, how to solve problems, how to seek out what is needed, then to communicate the solution effectively and passionately. We must adapt to the new realities of the information age to prepare our children for tomorrow.

We must also provide a nurturing and exciting environment that teaches our children how to engage with and interact in the interpersonal world. We must teach them not only to be good at what they do—we must teach them to be good. We must give them the tools to be leaders and the foundation to be good people as they lead. We must also find what excites the imagination and zeal of each of our students.

We must channel what our children can embrace as uniquely their own gift, whether their gifts are in academics or athletics, music or arts, drama or technology. When we do this, we teach them that hard work results in success, that working as a team creates harmony, and that they must rely on one another while being responsible for their part.

We believe that faith matters. We have daily Chapel for children of any faith or denomination. We believe that our children must have a relationship to that which is greater than themselves, and we nurture the spirit of service in humanity. We want to make real the values that we hold up as our core ideals: gentle, generous, truthful, kind, and brave. We want our students to become the best versions of themselves.

We rely upon a philanthropic foundation of giving to advance this mission. Gifts to the Trinity Titan Fund, as well as capital gifts, planned gifts, and gifts to our endowment help make this possible.


For more information or for assistance making your donation, please contact the Development Office at 504.670.2550 or development@trinitynola.com

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