Titans Forever!
At Trinity, graduation is not the end; it's merely the beginning of a lifelong connection. We are immensely proud of our alumni network and initiatives designed to keep former students engaged and supported. From alumni reunions, Alumni Chapel, and networking and community events, we are dedicated to fostering ongoing connections that enrich the lives of our graduates.
Trinity Episcopal School's mission is to build confident and resilient upstanders on a foundation of academic excellence, moral responsibility, and faith to make a positive difference in the world.
Alumni Upstander Award
The Trinity Alumni Upstander Award is given annually to that Alumna or Alumnus who embodies the School’s goal of building upstanders, a person who has made or is making a positive difference in the world and whose character is defined by those qualities we most value: Gentle, Generous, Truthful, Kind, and Brave.
We invite you to nominate a Trinity alum you feel is worthy of this award. The person does not need to have graduated from Trinity; simply to have attended for sufficient years to have been shaped by his or her time here. Our alumni body is filled with many, many examples of heroes doing great work! We would love to hear from you about those you feel deserve special recognition for their efforts!
Stay in Touch with Trinity
Have news to share or want to update your contact information? We are eager to hear from you!
If you would like a copy of the most recent Trumpet, email communications@trinitynola.com!